We have received information of websites selling counterfeit Zafferano products online. Such websites very often use pictures and videos of our products along with the words “Poldina” and “Zafferano” to confuse the user and make it difficult to distinguish an authentic product from a counterfeit one. Most importantly, these counterfeit products often lack the necessary safety certifications. These counterfeit product merchants sometimes use advertisements on Google and social media to attract users to their website: they pretend to sell genuine products by using fraudulent mind images and videos of our products, thus violating copyright laws. If you notice websites or advertisements marketing Zafferano products at very low prices, they are almost certainly selling non-original products: if in doubt, check with us by e-mail (lighting@zafferanoitalia.com) or phone. Selling copied products is a scam that harms both the consumer and the original creator. To avoid being scammed, check the website URL and purchase Zafferano products from authorized Zafferano dealers or from our official e-commerce www.zafferanoeshop.it. To help you discover the differences between counterfeit and genuine products, find below a list of Poldina's characteristics compared to those of a counterfeit product. Example of counterfeit product.

Discreetly designed gray lighting icon →polycarbonate cover protects it from wear and tear Ø 8 mm stem →makes the lamp visually sleeker. Invisible joints →connects the main elements of the lamp without perceptible interruptions. Screen-printed base →thin and square →carries the unmistakable screen-printed Poldina Pro trademark.

Black, obvious ignition icon → is printed on the surface and therefore subject to wear and tear. Stem Ø 12 mm → thicker and less graceful than Poldina Broken and geometric seams → cause visual interruptions. Anonymous base → thicker and taller → on the lower page has a black rubber mat
User-replaceable batteries → Poldina's batteries are also user-replaceable with the help of a specially made video tutorial. Polycarbonate diffuser → frosted, injection molded. Quality materials → the structure is made of die-cast aluminum. Weight 935 grams → ballasted foot provides stability.
Batteries not user-replaceable → batteries are replaceable only by a trained technician. Acrylic diffuser → glossy, made by cutting a cast sheet. Lower quality materials → the structure is made of pressed iron. Weight 620 grams.